[BYOTP] Bring Your Own Toilet Paper. And Half Nekkid Katy Perry.

Well, San Diego (really California all together) has hit an all time low. We can no longer afford to buy toilet paper for our state parks. Wonderful.

Meanwhile, while we are so poor we can’t buy toilet paper, people are bitching about a half cent increase in sales tax. Be realistic here people, half a cent won’t affect your family. You lose more money in your couch in a month than you will through a half cent boost in sales tax. So why is it you can’t contribute half a penny to your state so we can buy some damn toilet paper? Really folks?

Also, off the Embarcadero in San Diego, a Sea Lion was located today that appears to have been harpooned or hit with a fishing gap. SeaWorld’s been out there trying to net it so they can treat it, but it turns out if you hit a Sea Lion with what is essentially a spear it won’t like humans very much and will try to attack you when you get near. Sadly we can’t tranquilize it either or it’ll try to swim away, fall asleep and drown. How sad.

Katy Perry

Too much cleavage? Where...?

Also, what do you think of this video by Katy Perry? The world is in an uproar because she’s wearing a dress on a sesame street show. Do you think it’s too revealing? No? Good. I’m pretty sure any parent who allows their child to go outside knows that their child sees worse things every single day. Have you gone to a beach lately with your kids? How about a swimming pool? Maybe watched some TV with them in the room? People need to quit bitching. She could be like this guy.


A woman in Montana apparently was attacked by a bear and defended herself by kicking the bear in the face and hitting it in the head with a zucchini. Win. I don’t feel like going into to much detail with that because the story pretty much explains itself, but here ya go: http://www.10news.com/news/25129469/detail.html

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I'm a universal go-to guy for sarcasm, satire and altogether fun shit. Don't expect me to control my tongue. Consider me a jack of all trades, a real renaissance man. Except when I don't know anything about whatever the topic is, then consider me a jackass.
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